Bookkeeper: 4 Tips for Finding a Great One

Journal booksBookkeepers are a bit of a hidden gem. While they may not make the best company picnic speakers, bookkeepers are vital to any business. So when you’re looking for someone to help you with your books, how do you go about finding one? This blog post aims to help you make the right choice.


Finding a Great Bookkeeper for Your Business


Finding a bookkeeper can be a huge help, but it’s not always easy. Here are some tips to help you find the right and good bookkeeper for your business:


Ask around.


You probably know at least one other business owner in your community who has had a positive experience with their bookkeeper. Ask them if they’d be willing to recommend someone who has done an excellent job of accurately keeping track of their financials and reporting expenses. If you know another entrepreneur who has struggled with their bookkeeping service, ask them about their experience, so you know how to avoid them.


Check their credentials.


Bookkeeping is not regulated by law, so there are no official certifications or licenses that guarantee that an individual knows how to do this work well. That’s why it’s essential to check any candidate’s credentials (or lack thereof) for this position before hiring them. So, for example, suppose they don’t have any formal education or professional training on record. In that case, whether through a college degree program or online coursework—it might be best not to hire them because they may not be able to handle the responsibilities this position requires effectively and efficiently without proper training first.


Consider the bookkeeper’s experience level.


You might think that all bookkeepers can do everything, but the truth is that different types of businesses require various services. For example, if you own and manage an auto repair company, you’ll need a bookkeeper with experience with inventory management and tax forms. Another example is a bookkeeper who works with restaurants should know how to handle inventory tracking and sales tax forms.


You want someone with experience working with companies like yours—that way, they know what they’re doing when it comes time to start managing your finances! If they don’t have much experience, it might be best to look elsewhere; you don’t want someone who doesn’t know how they handle your finances.


Talk about fees and services.


You and your bookkeeper must have an open and honest conversation about fees and services before hiring him or her. It ensures both parties set the proper expectations so there are no surprises later on down the road. You must also consider cost and quality. A high price tag doesn’t necessarily mean that someone is better than someone else; however, it does indicate that they charge more because they are more qualified or experienced than others.

Bookkeeper is planning budget



Taking care of your financial paperwork can be challenging under the best conditions. And when life gets in the way, that task becomes even more complicated. If you don’t have a dedicated bookkeeper, it’s time to find one.